Jeu de Paume Apps

Inventing the Possible 2.0
Jeu de Paume
The twenty-six videos selected for this videolibrary include documentary and fictional works, ranging fromanimated films to experimental pieces and performance videos. Theyexplore, with varying degrees of humour or sense of tragedy, ourconfusion in the face of the failure of the utopias that succeededeach other up until the close of the twentieth century. Thisproject is thus aninvitation to reflect on how we can, within this context, envisageinventinga possible future or imagine new models for change.With Edgardo Aragón Díaz, Yto Barrada, Eric Baudelaire, UrsulaBiemann, Wim Catrysse, Declinación Magnética, Theo Eshetu, MahdiFleifel, Sirah Foighel Brutmann & Eitan Efrat, Peter Friedl,Pauline Horovitz, Marine Hugonnier, Khvay Samnang, Hayoun Kwon,Martin Le Chevallier, Naeem Mohaiemen, Wendy Morris, Carlos Motta,Els Opsomer, Daniela Ortiz & Xosé Quiroga, Anxiong Qiu, AllanSekula, Hito Steyerl, Atsushi Wada, Yang Fudong and ArturŻmijewski.This app for tablets will deepen your understanding of the workspresented at the Jeu de Paume through video extracts, biographies,plot summaries and essays by art historians, enriched with commentsfrom the artists themselves.Free until 31 October 2014.Interface, graphic design and development: Studio-V2.
Garry Winogrand 4.0
Jeu de Paume
Official app of the exhibition “GarryWinogrand”, presented at the Jeu de Paume from 14 October 2014 to 8February 2015.Garry Winogrand (1928–1984), who chronicled America from thepost-war years to the 1980s, was one of the masters of Americanstreet photography together with Walker Evans, Robert Frank, LeeFriedlander and William Klein. Through an examination of twentyiconic works and an illustrated biography, discover the life andcareer of the photographer who unflinchingly captured America as itswung between optimism and upheaval.Videos, including a video portrait of the artist by theexhibition curators, and a personal view of a selection of works byan art specialist, will deepen your understanding of theexhibition.This free app for smartphones and tablets was developed bystudio.v2.
Philippe Halsman 10
Jeu de Paume
Philippe HalsmanAstonish Me!Official app of the exhibition “Philippe Halsman. Astonish Me!”,presented at the Jeu de Paume from 20 October 2015 to 24 January2016.American photographer Philippe Halsman (1906–1979), famous forhis portraits of celebrities, his 101 LIFE magazine covers and hislong collaboration with Salvador Dalí, is remarkable for the verybreadth of his work: portraits, fashion, reportage, advertising…Beginning in Paris in the 1930s and continuing in New York from the1940s onward, he carved out a career that was to be a model forothers and that lasted for more than 40 years. The exhibitionshowcases the photographer’s entire career for the first time.Discover the life and career of the photographer through anexamination of twenty-six iconic works and an illustratedbiography. Videos, including a video portrait of the artist by theexhibition curators, and a personal view of a selection of works byan art specialist, will deepen your understanding of theexhibition.This free app for smartphones and tablets was developed bystudio.v2.